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Better Data, Better Outcomes

Better data leads to better decisions and better outcomes. Closely track all aspects of your business and access accurate, real-time data right at your fingertips.
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  • Labor Management & Payroll
  • Operational Management
Billing Invoice

AgSquared makes it easy to keep track of the work you do in each location. Assign a billing rate by the hour or acre to every job and generate invoices with just the push of a button.

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Cost vs Budget dashboard

With AgSquared’s simple-to-use mobile app, you can plan budgets a year in advance and compare your budget to the real cost of production. AgSquared also universally integrates with your ERP system so that you can import revenue data to determine cost versus revenue.

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Cost breakdown pie chart

AgSquared empowers your team to accurately track labor, inputs, and machinery use to give you a detailed cost of production by crop, variety, field, block, etc. Compare varieties, locations, and practices to find the best possible outcomes.

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Water status report

Track water stress and direct your irrigation resources to where they’re most needed with real-time scouting data. Easily track irrigation in each location so you have all data you need on your irrigation labor and your water use.

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Planting timeline sheet

Planting planning is a complex puzzle balancing space, time, and labor to get you the best outcome when harvest season comes around. AgSquared has a sophisticated set of tools to help you develop – and stick with – the best planting plan for your business.

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Field History Report

AgSquared’s custom reporting tool ensures that, no matter how you want to review the operational history of a location, you can get your data with just one click.

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Raw material inventory sheet

Take control of your inventory and streamline the purchasing and inventory process. AgSquared makes it simple to keep track of what you need, what you have, and what you’ve used to give you a real-time view of what’s in inventory.

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Scouting data entry forms

You can set up mobile data entry forms to track sample observations, harvest estimations, moisture samples to detect water stress, any phrenology measurement you require, workflows (for example, for random sampling), and more.

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Harvest management graph

AgSquared’s customized dashboards give you accurate, real-time visibility into how much you can expect to harvest and when based on your planting and scouting records over the course of the season.

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Chemical management form

Establish a seamless chemical application workflow including recommendations, work orders, and job tracking. When your employees track chemical applications, all label rules are automatically applied so that the rest of your team is alerted to REI and PHI restrictions. Easily produce chemical use reports and submit them to regulatory agencies as required.

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Machinery management form

Machinery use data is automatically compiled from your team’s day-to-day operational records. Your shop employees can see in real time which equipment is due for routine maintenance or requires emergency service, and can enter service tickets to keep track of all the work they do.

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Work tracking activity editor

AgSquared empowers employees to easily keep track of all of their work, including details of machinery and inputs used, so that you have a complete picture of your operations.

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Work orders

Using our software to manage your farm operations makes your job easier. Create work orders on the spot or schedule them a year in advance. Subdivide them into smaller tasks and assign them to your employees from your fingertips.

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Chemical applications and fertilizer application charts

Traceability is central to AgSquared. AgSquared empowers your team to accurately track every corner of your business, ultimately giving you a complete picture of how each harvested lot was produced. Custom reporting allows you to retrieve the data however you need it.

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Process management sheet

From the AqSquared mobile app, employees are reminded to submit their forms on time. Your dashboard shows you missing food safety forms and any corrective actions that require further attention.

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Chemical compliance alert

AgSquared makes it easy to abide by all chemical label rules. Work order and job forms automatically produce warnings to ensure label compliance, and applicators have chemical labels at their fingertips to help them stay safe. PHI and REI notifications help all of your employees confidently complete their work without violating the rules.

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Food safety documentation form

AgSquared’s custom reporting features allows you to produce up-to-the-minute documentation to meet any requirement.

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Digital form options

Documenting food safety has never been easier. Using our software solution, your employees will be able to fill out their food safety forms conveniently on their phone or tablet.

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Labor approval process form

Take the burden off or your payroll team from having to chase down data in the field by empowering your field-based supervisors to review and approve of their employees’ time cards before they are sent to the office. In-app alerts notify supervisors of potential labor violations so they can follow up on them as appropriate.

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Labor meal compliance popup alert

It is constantly on your mind. You need accurate data to keep accurate records in order to produce accurate reports. AgSquared’s farm management software keeps you prepared for any requests that come your way.

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Payroll review worksheet

AgSquared universally integrates with whatever payroll system you currently use. You can automatically allocate hours to the appropriate cost center, department code, and much more.

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Labor tracking sheet

Managing and paying your team has never been easier. Using our software you can log time and attendance, manage approval processes, run payroll, and stay compliant. Make entering time easy for your crews. Make pulling records easy for accounting. Make compliance a snap.

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